Friday, April 11, 2014

Ethan's A Teenager!

When I was considering what to title this post I knew right away it'd be titled "I Have A Teenager". Within a split second I realized that just wouldn't work. This is NOT about ME. Ethan turning 13 is in no way about ME. It's about HIM and the journey HE'S about to embark on as a teenager, preparing for life as an adult. "Ethan's A Teenager" is perfect. HE is perfect.

Ethan has always been, from the day he was born, my suborn, strong willed, independent little boy. He is now, still all those things, he's just growing and maturing into a young man.

I've said it so many times...he was my first. I still tell him that on a regular basis. I try to make him realize that I/we have never been a parent of a child his age, whatever the age may be. I tell him that as he is learning how to be a person/teenager/man, I am also learning how to be the mom of that person/teenager/man. He thinks we are so much harder on him than Corbin. I always tell him we just expect so much from him since he's the oldest. I know I need to let that go. I need to let him be who he is. I just need to expect him to do his best. Be the best he can be.

He's an amazing runner. The way he paces himself on long distances and gives it all he has amazes me every time I watch him. Running...that's his happy place. That's the place that brings him joy, fulfillment and peace.

He still has a lot of growing and maturing to do but I can't wait to be there by his side every step of the way. I can't wait to see what God calls him to do. He often talks about being a soldier. He's in awe of our military. Specifically the army. I can see him doing anything he puts his mind to. He is definitely one determined little guy.

It wasn't until we found out we were expecting baby number four, that I realized Ethan will be graduating and moving out in FIVE years. Thanks Matt, for pointing that out :-/ It really got me thinking. Thinking that I need to make the most of these next five years. I need to take it all in and make it the best it can be for him(and me in my old age).

Happy 13th Birthday, Ethan. Welcome to your teen years. Make em' the best. Cherish this time in your life. It'll be gone way too soon and you'll be wondering where the years have gone. I know...I ask myself that every year when you have another birthday.

You are my amazing young man. My first young man. I'll always cherish every memory I've had with you as a child and I can't wait to make more memories as you become a great young man. You will ALWAYS be my little boy. I will always be your crazy, overbearing mom.

I love you to the moon and back, Ethan. Happy, Happy Birthday, my teen!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

We're Having Another...?

Exciting, exciting, exciting. We had our regularly scheduled OB visit today and decided to have a "sneak peak" sono. The heartbeat was perfect at 150 and baby was relaxed as could be. We could actually see the baby taking gulps of water :) Precious. The little legs were bent up with the feet crossed at the ankles so it was a bit tricky to see the "turtle" or the "hamburger".

After some poking and prodding on my belly(which I'm pretty sure bothered me more than the baby), we were able to get a side view.

We're having another......BOY!

Initially, we all 5 wanted another girl. Taya wanted a baby sister. Matt and I wanted another baby girl and the boys just didn't want another boy. However, I have told Matt and the kids for the past few weeks that I just knew I was carrying another boy. Mothers intuition, I guess.  When I stop and look around and picture a baby in our house and in our lives, I always see a baby boy. Not a baby girl. I guess mothers really do know best.

I think the fact that Taya will remain our baby girl, the only girl, our little princess, is pretty darn special. She can teach him everything she knows about horses. Corbin can teach him how to be an amazing athlete. Ethan can teach him how to be a great sprinter/runner. This new baby brother will have great role models.

We showed the kids the sono pictures when they got home from school. Told them our new addition was another brother. I was nervous but to my great surprise they all three were so excited. The boys will have a new "teammate". Taya will have a baby brother.

I mentioned that Taya and I were still going to be outnumbered when she popped off that no we won't. Apparently, we have 10 members of our family. Matt, Ethan, Corbin, the new baby, Oreo(Tayas rabbit),  me, Taya, our dog Maci and Corbin and Ethan's two female guinea pigs. Ten family members. According to Taya, that's the perfect family...I tend to agree. The perfect COMPLETE family.

Now....we officially get to argue about boy baby names.