Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ethan Says Farewell

The 2011-2012 school year has once again come to an end. The kids go home with a lot more knowledge and the teachers with a sigh of relief that they survived another year.

As a mom, when your kids are babies you look forward to the next phases in your child's life. Crawling, walking, talking, sleeping through the night, eating baby food, then solid food. You anxiously wait for their personalities to develop. Who will they act like? Who will they look like? You can't wait for them to grow...and get older. Then one day you wake up and realize years have flown by and now your overcome with sadness. Sadness that your child, in my case, my first born, is no longer a little boy. He's turning into a young man. In 2 years he'll be a teenager. You still want to look into the future, to see what it holds, but now for different reasons. Will he go to college? Will he marry and move far away? Will he still love you as the only girl in his life(minus the baby sister)? Thoughts, that as a mother, scare me to pieces.

When I was in school, you were of elementary age until you ended 6th grade. Now, this day and age, most elementary schools only go to 5th. Why? I say it's just another way for corporate America and the government to make our children grow up even faster. Whatever it is, I hate it.

I do look forward to his future. Just miss my baby boy. He's a bright kid, full of spunk and the determination of a king. I know he'll do great.

So, as of today, May 31, 2012, Ethan rolls into summer happy, excited, full of spirit and nervous of the future to come...and says a final farewell to his elementary school career.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My 31st Birthday

This birthday was easily one of the best that I can remember in a LONG time. This is probably because I usually don't celebrate my birthday. Since having kids, I just believe birthdays are for kids. After all, I had plenty before they came along. Now, it's all about them.

This year, for whatever reason, God decided I should have a special day(weekend really). I started off my birthday/Mother's Day weekend with Muffins for Mom at the boys school. I've never gotten a chance to go since I always work in another country it seems. So this was very special for me.

After breakfast, I headed off to work. There my awesome co-workers, whom I've only known for 3 weeks, threw a birthday party filled with food they all made by hand just for me. Got me cupcakes, pizza and even a gift certificate for a scrub shop in our area. As if that weren't enough, they let me off 2 hours early to go spend my present.

Matt and Taya joined us for lunch and surprised me with beautiful pink roses.

The next day, on my birthday day, I started off the day at my folks for a garage sale...until mother nature decided we were threw. After that, made a family trip to Walmart(always fun...NOT) then home for a short nap with my favorite little princess.

After we were well rested and rejuvenated we headed out for a family fun night of bowling at Strikz in Frisco.  We had a blast. I'll let the pics do the rest of my yappin'.

The reasons I'm a mom.
Brian and Ashlie.
Me and my love.

My Lemondrop shooter...SOUR!
Chocolate Cake shooter.

Our faces are PRICELESS!!!
ALL the men in my life!
Us girls!
My mama love.
My precious family.
Everyone I love, minus my niece, Nikki.

Thank you to my brother for always having my best interest at heart.

Thank you to my Ethan for teaching me it's easy to love someone that's not so easy to parent.

Thank you to my Corbin for making me laugh and smile everyday.

Thank you to my Taya for somehow thinking I hang the moon.

Thank you to my husband for loving me so unconditionally, the way only you can.

Thank you to my dad for still, at 31 years old, calling me your baby girl.

Thank you to my mom for showing me how to be the best mom ever.

And thank you all for being the family that I know I need :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Amazing Grace

This past Sunday we attended a new church. Sherman Bible Church. A lady my brother, Brian, works with attends and just raved about it. Brian and his girlfriend, Ashleigh, started attending and fell in love. They got my parents to attend, they too, fell in love. So, we thought our family should give it a whirl. We're falling in love.

The childrens ministry looks and sounds really neat. Taya will be in the Transformers class, Corbin in the Powerhouse class and Ethan in the Youth class. Yes folks, I said the YOUTH class.

Since it was our first visit in a new place, we decided to let the kiddos attend "big people church" with us. The pastor was hilarious. Spoke in a way and related to things that my non-church going self to understand. I even think the boys got the jist of it, too, at some points.

Picture this: Corbin on the inside, then Brian, Ethan, Matt, Taya, me, my mom then my dad.

Anyway, we had a quiet time of prayer, where you can pray silently or you can pray in small groups with people you may or may not know. My folks were praying silently, as were Matt and I. Taya had her head bowed thinking about who kows what. I look to my left and see Ethan and Corbin, heads bowed and Brian praying aloud with them. It melted my heart and honestly, brought a tear to my eyes.

As if that moment weren't enough to give me peace, at the end of the service, everyone was up singing songs. They have 2 enormous movie screens with all the words on them just in case you aren't familiar with them. Well, I notice Ethan singing along which was neat. I was holding Taya in my arms singing along and I look at my beautiful girl and hear and see her singing along! It happened to be a song I love that we hear on the radio, so she new the words by heart and was bee boppin' along. Caputured that moment in my heart FOREVER.

Needless to say, we're all looking forward to going back this Sunday for some more Amazing Grace.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Corbin's First Pitch

This past Friday night, Corbin pitched his FIRST baseball game EVER. He was super nervous(as was I) and did great! He walked the first batter and STRUCK OUT the second! He had 5 strike outs in all! He did amazing. Grinning from ear to ear. Hopefully, we'll see this master in action again tonight! We love this kid. He's a priceless gem.