Tuesday, April 23, 2013

From The Mouth Of Corbin

Corbin, Corbin, Corbin. My class clown. My funny man. My humorous child.

Just yesterday, Corbin struck again.

He and Ethan went to local convenience store to get themselves a treat. Later that evening Corbin and I were making the beds and he very excitedly tells me "I got a two for one deal on Chex Mix! Cheese and Hot N Spicy!"

I think my savvy, money saving attempts are paying off.

Then, same night, bedtime. I'm tucking him into bed and notice what I think are crusted boogers on his bed sheet. Nice. I asked why he wiped his boogies on the sheet and he replies with "What? It's snot from when I A-CHOOOOED(a-chewed)!"

Note to self: It is no longer called sneezing. It's called A-CHOOOOING!

I LOVE this kid. To the moon and back. Endlessly.

Party Time

Recently, Ethan turned 12.

In previous years we've always done "family" parties but this year we decided all our kids are past that. We want to make their birthdays all about their friends. The kids they see everyday. The kids they share secrets and chatter with. This year for Ethan's birthday he wanted a sleepover with his friends. I didn't hesitate and immediately agreed. Agreed before I remembered Matt works every Saturday night. It was too late. I couldn't take it back and disappoint him so I forged on :-/

Morning of the party

On our way to get party decor

She dressed herself and did her own hair

He invited four friends. Logan, Bryce, Pacen and Blake. I had 24 HOURS with all these boys...What was I thinking?

It turns out our house is the "cool" place to be and I often times feel like I'm running a childcare center. My point? Taya had two of her neighbor friends come to play, too. For most of the afternoon and evening I had nine kids in my care. Alone.

We met all the kids at the school playground. My hope was that the playground would wear them all out and my night would be more calm. NOT!

All the kids, minus one

After the park we headed home for some basketball, bike riding and dodge ball. We then did the pinata. That all happened so fast and the poor thing busted open so fast I was unable to snag any pictures of that event. 

That night, the girls went home and it was just Taya, me and six boys. My house smelt lovely. The smell of dirty, sweaty boys is awesome.

We had pizza, cake and ice cream and they all settled in to play Wii and PS2 and watch movies.

 Ethan, Blake and Logan

 Taya, Corbin and Bryce


While the boys did their thing, Taya and I did puzzles.

Finally, about 1:30-2AM they all crashed.

Sunday brought a day of fun. We headed to Frisco. We stopped at Stake -N- Shake and grabbed some lunch.
Birthday Boy!

After lunch we headed to Main Event in Frisco(Matt met us there!)! They all had a blast playing arcade games(what kid doesn't love that) and getting prizes. They played mini golf and laser tag but the coolest of all was the Gravity Ropes course. So cool.

Finally, it was twenty four hours later and time to take all the boys home! As crazy as it was, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat to see Ethan so happy. He told me thank you over and over and said it was the best birthday ever :-) Be still my heart.

Happy birthday, kiddo. You deserved it!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Pre-Teen

It's hard to believe another year of childhood has gone by. Hard to believe in one short year my first born will be a teenager.

When I think back on the past twelve years I'm amazed with the life I have. The husband that makes me whole. The children that make me complete.

I've learned(with the help of my "crazy" pills) to relax more and treasure the "ordinary" days. The ordinary moments. The uneventful days that start off with cinnamon rolls for breakfast and end with story time and prayers after dark. The jam-packed days filled with school, homework and numerous sports activities. And everyday in between.

I've learned that no matter what I'm doing or how busy I think I am,  if a hug needs to be given, or even be gotten, to stop and relish in the moment. I've learned that pretty soon my eldest will rather be with his friends than me. That the time of embarrassing him just being in his presence is looming near.

But most of all, I've learned that no matter how hard I try, I can't keep my son a baby, a child forever. He is going to grow. He is going to change. He is going to become his own individual person.

Ethan is spunky. Witty. Determined. He is hard headed, stubborn and independent. He's a complete combination of both Matt and I. He's big brother to two. An inspiration to many.

He was the first to call me mom. The first to call me mean. The first to say "I love you". The first to say "I hate you". The first to melt my heart. The first to break it. The first to totally consume me with more love than I ever knew possible. That will always be true and will never change. He was the first to completely steal my heart. Every time I look into those big brown eyes I see the cutest baby boy ever, I see the handsome young man he is becoming.

It amazes me that we have hit the pre-teen years and next year he will be all teenager.

I see a future full of hope, desire and love. I look forward to what will be.

He is and will always be my baby boy. He will always be my heart and soul.

Happy birthday, Ethan. You and your love make my life complete.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tot Plays Ball

As if my kids weren't growing up fast enough, we have hit yet another milestone. Taya is playing softball! I swear, I have never seen a cuter little girl all decked out in her uniform, With her hot pink cleats, hot pink helmet, hot pink softball glove, pink batting gloves and pink bat. She melts my heart.

Last night was her first game...and she did GREAT! She got an hard, awesome hit her first time up to bat. Too bad the other player tagged her on the way to first base and she was out :( Didn't bother her though. She was all smiles walking back to the dugout. 

She had blue lips from her ring pop!

The team did great and they won 8-7. Her second game is tomorrow night. Can't wait!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Birthday My Love

Today is my love's birthday. The big 33.

I cherish every moment, everyday, every ounce I have with him. I could never have imagined the love I have for this man. It's overwhelming. It's unstoppable. It's incredible. HE is incredible.


Happy birthday to the best husband, father, friend, lover, companion and partner any woman could ask for. Happy birthday to the man who makes me whole.

Matt, I love you endlessly. To the moon and back...