Monday, December 16, 2013

To Elf or Not To Elf

A lot of people ask if we have an Elf on The Shelf for our kids (mainly Taya). When I tell them no they act as if I'm crazy and ask me why. So here's the answer for those who care...and for those who don't. 

The answer is simple, really. Jesus Christ. 

Why am I going to spend 4-6 weeks trying to coheres my kids to behave or the Elf (Larry, Curly, Moe or whatever his name is) will report back to Santa with some not so great news. I get it's cute and fun (to some people) at times but are you not missing the point of CHRISTmas? 

We don't go to church every Sunday or once a month. Heck, we don't even go twice a year BUT, we do still talk about our Lord and Savior regularly. We discuss what is and is not acceptable. What Jesus expects and deserves and what we as people deserve and expect of ourselves.

If you ask any of our kids what Christmas is and why we celebrate, they'll all tell you the same thing. The birth of Baby Jesus. Yes, they (again, mainly Taya, thankfully the boys are past the believing stage) mention Santa and want him to bring presents but they get the BIG picture. Which is...we have presents to open because of the birth of Jesus. Not because the jolly fellow in the bright red suit thinks you "deserve" them. Of course Santa still swings by the ole' Ramey plantation but he only leaves ONE present for each child. We, mom and dad, buy and provide the other plethora of presents under the tree that WE are ABLE to provide because GOD and JESUS have provided us with the means to do so. NOT, the fat, bearded guy. Our kids realize and APPRECIATE this. Which we appreciate. We do bake cookies for Santa BUT we ALSO bake Jesus a birthday cake.

Since your elves Tom, Dick and Harry are cute and "fun", why not have an Angel. A Guardian Angel, if you will, that watches you and protects you that reports back to God and Jesus on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis?!? If Jesus sees, hears and knows all, then why must we have "something" report back to him, you ask? Good question. To which my answer is...THE SAME CAN BE SAID FOR SANTA. After all, that old popular song says "he sees you when your sleeping, he knows when your awake, he knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake!" Good ole' Mr. Elf is not needed for this.

In a nutshell, there ya have it. We, in the Ramey family, are keeping CHRIST in Christmas. Won't you join us?

Monday, November 18, 2013


Last month Taya was able to be part of a mini drill camp at the local high school. The drill team for the school taught the little gals. They practiced for three hours and performed before the varsity game that Friday night.

This year for Halloween, Matt and I were well protected. We had a blue ninja (Ethan), a white ninja (Corbin) and a kitty cat/tiger/tigger.

I was starting to have baseball/softball/cross country with drawls. I LOVE watching my kids in their sports. But I'm in luck....both boys have started basketball! Corbin's playing on the youth league and is super excited because Matt's the head coach! Ethan is playing for the middle school and has played two games so far. They lost the first game 11-10 but won the second 31-0! Corbin's first game is Saturday, December 7th. Go Tomcats!!!

Most people know that my dad is a high school teacher and a coach. He LOVES his job! A couple weekends ago his varsity football team had their last regular season game so my mom, brother and the kids headed to Lake Worth to support them. To our delight, we won! 35-21. We were headed to the playoffs!

The playoff game was this past Friday night. So, the cool, fun mom I am, decided to let the kids ditch school on Friday and Thursday night after Ethan's basketball game we headed back out to Lake Worth to spend the weekend with my dad. Friday morning we woke up, grabbed breakfast at IHOP, hit Target for some gloves and Charming Charlie's (my moms new favorite store) where I bought, yet another, phone case (yes, I'm addicted. I have a problem. Do they have iPhone case anonymous?) . After that, my mom and I took the kids to the Flight Deck trampoline park. SO MUCH FUN! And what a workout! My computer won't let me upload the video on the blog but if you have never been, you should definitely check it out!

Anyway, after all that we made the 2+ hour drive to the playoff game. We stopped for dinner at Cracker Barrel and made it the game with plenty of time to spare (this was first game we actually made it to before it started).

 Dreaming of when it will be them. I am in LOVE with this pic <3 p="">

Mr. Bullfrog was pooped!

Sadly, we lost the game but it was still a great season and I am so proud of my dad for the sacrifices he makes so that he can touch so many young guys and gals lives. One more year to go. My dad's due to retire from the job he loves the summer of 2015.

Welp, that about sums up our lives. It's been busy, but it's been great. Making memories to last forever :-)

Quick Escape

Life this time of year is crazy. Fun...but crazy nonetheless. Juggling work, school, sports and preparing for the holidays is down right exhausting.

A couple weekends ago the kids and I decided to "get away" for the night. After going to two fall festivals (or fairs as Taya called them) and some shopping, I was pooped. Matt had to work that night at the marina and the resort was pretty empty. The cabin with the best view was available and open for the taking. How about a night at the lake? Umm, yes please! As Matt headed off to work, I loaded up the kids and we headed to Target to pick up some new boardgames (since the 20 we already have are "boring" now). We bought two games, stopped at Taco Bell (healthy meal, I know)and headed off for our quick escape.

By the time we got to the lake the sun was setting and I was in heaven.

The kids ran from one side of the beach, down along the shore over to the other side. They played and seemed so at peace. I was at peace. The kids all made creations in the sand.

Ethan made this <3 p="">
 And this

Corbin made this---"I Love My Family"

Ethan made another---Ethan+Corbin+Taya+Amy+Matt=Perfect Family <3 p="">

As the sun set we decided to go back to the cabin and eat our dinner (that was now cold). The boys played basketball at the court while Taya and I chatted (best chatter EVER). Matt tried building a fire but due to the damp wood it never really lit all that well. The kids were still all able to roast marshmallows and had a good time. After dessert, we went in and played the games. Matt was able to hang out for a bit in between making rounds.

We put the kids to bed and Matt and I sat outside under the stars and just talked for a long time. It was a bit romantic and a lot peaceful. It was a wonderful night.

The next morning we woke up and headed home. Back to reality and the craziness. I've always tried to make spending time as a family a HUGE priority. It's a MUST in our family. But as the kids (the boys mainly) have gotten older, they want to spend more time playing outside with their friends, which is totally fine, I'm just realizing that soon they will be teenagers (5 months for Ethan!) and not want anything to do with us so I'm trying to treasure everything we have right now. And I do.

Our quick escape was well needed and well deserved. Can't wait to go back in a couple weeks.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

District Meet

As quickly as Cross Country came, it's now gone just as fast. This past week was the district meet. When Ethan gets to high school, depending on how he places, he will continue onto regionals and state. This year, being in middle school, his adventure ended at district. He still did awesome and we are still so proud. He's a trooper. From what the coaches and some other students were saying, this course was the toughest they ran this year. There were a bunch of hills, up and down and it was down right chilly!
That didn't stop him though! He placed 29th out of 45!!!

Warming up.

Words of encouragement...
From uncle Brian.

Almost finished!
Love this picture <3 p="">
My loves (minus two)

I'm so proud of this boy. I love him to the moon and back.

*** I heard this song the other morning and couldn't stop thinking about all three of my babes the entire time. Each of them inspire me in different ways everyday. They all have different strengths that make me want to be better. They truly do make me want to be Brave.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fall Fun

I love, love, LOVE the fall. It's honestly my favorite time of year. The weather, all the activities and the smell in the air (I'm promise, I'm not crazy...there is a smell of the fall.) just makes me happy and my heart warm. 

There's a really neat Christmas tree farm (Wintergreen Farm)  out here, about 10 minutes from our house. Last year we went out and cut down our Christmas tree there. With a real saw and all :) During the fall they have a pumpkin fest complete with a maze, train ride and hayride. There's also a decent size play area for the kids and a little gift shop for the kids at heart. Of course, with any pumpkin fest there's gonna be a plethora of pumpkins too! Yes...we bought four. For only $25 :)

 They're growing up super fast :-/

 Look at her face-Priceless!

 I love his smile : )

 There's Corbin!

 This one's for good measure. She melts my heart.

I saw this today and had to share. So very true. It's because of him and the sacrifice he made that I get to enjoy times like this and everyday with my kids. I can't express my love for them and their daddy. They make my world go round. And bring me peace in every way. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cross Country: Race Two and Three

Cross country is going strong and it's almost over! There weren't but three races this year. I've never had an interest in this sport, but after my baby being in it, I am loving it! 

Two Saturday's ago was Ethan's second race. It was a crazy experience. It was rainy and windy. Not only that, but the temperature from the time we left the house to the time we arrived(a whopping hour!)dropped drastically. We(I) was NOT prepared. Corbin had on a short sleeve shirt and shorts, Taya was wearing jeans and a short sleeve shirt and I was also was wearing jeans and a short sleeve shirt. In BLIZZARD weather! Well, minus the snow! 

This race was a two mile race. The first one was 3.1 miles. Ethan's time the first race was 27 minutes(3.1 miles). He surprised us all this race. He finished in 15.42 minutes. That was amazing. Especially in that weather! There were 98 kids running in that race. We aren't for sure what he placed but he says it was between 20th and 30th place! That's awesome for almost 100 runners!

 I can't look at this picture enough. Every time I do, I tear up.

This past Thursday was race three. I'm still in awe of what this boy can do. He was pumped and ready to run after a long day of school. There were 18 boys running this race. Middle school-ages 12 to 14. There were two boys from Tom Bean. Ethan(7th grade) and Andy(8th grade). Andy has been running for a few years and is a whole foot taller than Ethan. Going into this race Andy was the front runner and was expected to win. He did. First place! I was sure Ethan would do great but NEVER expected what happened next. They took off and Ethan was hanging with Andy...the ENTIRE time. That is until another boy purposely through his foot in front of Ethan and tripped him near the end of the course. There were spectators throughout the course watching every move. There was no good reason for the boys actions other than the fact that he wanted in second. YES, at this point Ethan was in SECOND place! Well, then he tripped and fell to the ground. BUT, he got up and finished the race! Not only did he finish the race, but he came in FOURTH place! Four(4) out of eighteen(18). The kid that tripped him...yeah, he came in second. But he did it in an ugly way. The amazing thing to me is that he stayed with an older boy who has more experience and that everyone expected to win. Andy's time(1st place) was 13.10 minutes. Ethan's time...14.13 minutes. He came in a mere minute and 3 seconds after first place EVEN after he got tripped up.  I can't express the amount of proudness I have for him. I will never be able to explain it but this feeling will always be there and it will never go away.

 ~Stretching before the race~


 Love him!

 Almost time...

 ~Look at him! The SMALLEST kid...

 But, has the BIGGEST heart!

 You can't see him here(look real close, he's in front!). That's because he's already gone!

 Look at him go!

 First and fourth place!

My boy with his FIRST(but not last)medal!!!

District meet is next Monday, the 21st. Stay tuned!!!