Friday, October 19, 2012

Grayson County Fair Fun

Last weekend we took the kiddos to the ever anticipated Grayson County Fair. We had never been before and heard a ton of people say how neat it was for kids. So, we loaded up and drove to Loy Lake. It was a pretty dreary day...that should have been our first clue not to go but we did.

We arrived in early afternoon. They had bounce houses for the kids, rides(way over-priced), food(also way over-priced), and drinks. They had a variety of different shows as well.

Pretty much as soon as we got there the kids wanted to hit up the petting zoo. This was pretty neat. Baby goats, sheep, a zebra, a camel, a HUGE snapping turtle and even a baby calf drinking from a bottle!

 (Love them!)
 (Check out the expression on Tots face!)
 ( Mr. Turtle...and Ethan)
 (Nice bull)

(Absolutely Love, Love, LOVE this pic!)
After the petting zoo, we grabbed a bite to eat. The turkey leg was definitely worth the 7 freaking dollars...My cherry limeade was pretty awesome too.
We got our food just in time to take a seat for the Alligator show! This was very informative. The man is good friends with the ever popular Jeff Corwin and has been on several different shows. Gator 911, something else and most recently Billy the Exterminator! I adore that show!
As the show went on the man asked for volunteers to come hold snakes, baby alligators and baby crocs. At one point he was looking in the crowd for their last volunteer and Matt told me I should raise my hand. "Heck NO, you have lost your mind!" Just then the man looked up at Matt and said "You up there in the red shirt." I OF COURSE started to laugh when to my surprise he continued to say "I want your wife." WHAT? That was NOT supposed to go that way. Lucky for me that morning I had put on my big girl panties and headed down to the stage. They chose 3 others people as well. Once up on stage they blind-folded all of us and told us to put our arms out. I didn't want to look a fool so I complied. Next thing I know they put something in my arms. My ARMS, NOT my HANDS! After we're all holding the "thing" they take the blindfolds off and THIS is what I find.

A 122 pound albino ANACONDA named Banana! Please notice, I have complete composure and the lady in the purple behind me is crying...literally CRYING. Tears and all. What a wimp!

I am so glad I got chosen for that task. Honestly, I wished I would have been closer to the head! It was pretty exhilarating!

All in all the fair was pretty lame and that was the highlight for me. Tomorrow we are headed out to the Whitesboro Peanut Festival. I've heard this is the festival people wait all year for. It should be(it BETTER be) pretty fun. Stay tuned...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Completely Whole

Many people think I'm crazy. Many people think God does everything for a reason. Many people think God has our ultimate purpose planned before we're ever born. I believe all these things to be true(especially me being husband is a huge fan of crazy, apparently).

Ya see, a couple months ago I started to feel my biological clock tick, tick, ticking away. I decided it was time to seriously start considering adding another addition to our family. And by addition, I don't mean another pet. I wanted ANOTHER baby.

We have three beautiful children that we love and adore more than anything, however, I kept thinking I wanted one more. I talked this over with Matt and didn't see it the same way. He politely told me I had lost my mind and that, I quote..."You are stupid!" He loves that Taya is our baby girl and that she has  big brothers to love and protect her. In Matt's words "It's perfect the way it is." For me it's pretty close but not there just yet.

Matt had a ton of valid points as to why we are just fine at a family of five but I explained that I have a few valid points of my own. It's a feeling that goes way down deep inside of me. I don't just want to be pregnant again, I want to love and kiss another little life.

I talked this over with the boys...they said heck more babies! They remember having to feed Taya in the car while she was screaming as we drove down the road.

I talked this over with Taya...SCORE!!! She was on my side! She wants to be a "big stister" so bad. So bad that that night as she prayed her nightly prayer she asked God..."God, please put a seed in mommies belly!" She wanted to know where babies came from and being the awesome mom I am, I told her the truth...God puts seeds in the mama's belly and the mama feeds and waters the seeds by the food and drinks she has and the seed magically turns into a baby :)

So, after a lot of consideration and chatting with Matt he complied and we decided to make a go of it. I did my calculations. I knew when I would be most fertile. I knew when Matt would be most fertile. I had it down...down to the day and time we needed to "try". So we did. Then three days later we "tried" again. With all this timely planning and all my awesome calculations I just knew I was carrying a new little life. I was so excited...and terrified at the same time. What have I done? Have I messed up my perfect family? Have a jipped the three loves I already have? Too late. No turning back now. Now, we wait.

I had a million emotions running through me. The more excited I got, the more scared I got. The more I thought I wanted it, the more I thought I didn't want it. So confused.

 I know if we are meant to add to our family God is in control and only he knows what's best. He knows our path. He will take care of us with three kids...or with four.

Well, here we are, three weeks later and I am THRILLED to say that after not one...but five pregnancy tests I am NOT pregnant! I was disappointed at first but that was short lived. I am ecstatic that we are not growing our family.

I firmly believe that me not being pregnant had nothing to do with me not getting the timing right or having my calculations off(I laid with legs above my head twice for crying out loud). Yet, it had EVERYTHING to do with divine intervention from my maker. The maker who has already so graciously given me three wonderful little loves to consume my life and well-being.

I feel like trying to have another baby was the right thing to do and I believe it's just what I needed to bring me back to reality. The reality that I LOVE my kids, they are the ONLY kids I'll EVER need and that our family IS completely whole just the way it is.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Adventures In Babysitting

I am FINALLY home after 5 nights of being away! I was staying at my surgeons house baby/house sitting while he and his wife were away in Chicago at a medical conference. Their kids are 13, 11 and 8. My first night there was last Friday. It was a ROUGH weekend to say the least! Saturday my amazing kiddos came to play for the day and Matt and I took all 6 kids to Jump-N-Land. Then we went to Target, Matt took the kids into Petco(was COMPLETELY stressed after only 5 minutes in there with 6 kids) then went to Walmart to get the kids movies to watch that night. Matt ran as fast as he could and I was alone...way out numbered with 6 kids for the night. Sunday morning we woke up and all 8 headed to church. Again, after church Matt dropped us at home and ran for the hills. Later that night he came back and got our kiddos and I again was alone with these 3 "precious" children.

I knew doing this for 5 days would be different and a bit tiring but I NEVER imagined just how hard(in a million different ways) it would truly be. Taking care of someone else's children, that you don't even know....wouldn't recommend it to the strongest of people. BUT, I was trying to be nice and the extra money is really needed. So, I put my big girl panties on and sucked it up. Did I say I am THRILLED to be home with my little gems?!?

Even though it was tough, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to do it. It made me open my eyes and see how the "other side" lives.

  • I gained more patience than I EVER thought I could.
  • I realized that I am absolutely TERRIBLE at "raising" other people's children.
But, more importantly(and also my most favorite reason of all) I realized that my 3 children are ABSOLUTELY, INCREDIBLY, WONDERFULLY and GRACIOUSLY the truly BEST kids in the entire WORLD for me. They do what they are asked(even if I have to ask umpteen times). They respect their elders no matter who they are. They are self sufficient. They are NOT spoiled rotten(they are well loved and taken care of). They are well-rounded, versatile, sweet, sweet precious little darlin's that I love with all my heart. So much so that it hurts. I appreciate the little kids they are and the young men and woman they are becoming. I appreciate my life. Right where it is. Here in my home with my family filled with more love than any amount of money can hold.

We might not have a ton of money. We may have a smaller(tiny, really) house than others. We have problems and issues(who the heck doesn't?). But, we are a family filled with growth. With passion for each other. With an endless amount of love.

We may have a crazy life...but it's our life. And it's the life...the ONLY life, I want.