Sunday, March 20, 2011

Family Man

As I sit here writing, the most wonderful man I know is outside having a water fight with the kids for about the 20th time this week. This after a morning of baseball, around the world in basketball(which I kicked butt in, if I do say so myself), taking tot on a bike ride for the ump-teenth time, chasing the dog down the street(she is a fierce looking dog, all 5 months, 2 ft tall, 3 ft long part of her)and yard watering. The man never stops. He'll play til' it's time for dinner. Then relax with the kids, read Taya a story before bed, sing her all her favorite night-night songs, rub and sing to the boys when they go to bed, watch "my shows" with me til' I hit the sack, then after all his schoolwork. Then tomorrow he'll wake up and do it all over again, this time adding actually going to school in the mix. He is my hero.

I heard a song a couple days ago that reminds me so much of Matt, it's as if he wrote it himself. I know this day and age good men are hard to come by. I know this cause I have so many friends who are sill searching. Luckily I found my guy at a young age...and the rest is history.

Enjoy the song...

To all the men out there that actually are family men(would rather be home with he kids and wife rather than out at bars or clubs or even with friends) are way more appreciated than you will ever know. I know mine is.

Gotta run, I hear some water guns calling my name...

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