Today we were with some family and friends and had an unexpected thank you. We all go through things in life and especially in marriage that we are never prepared for. Whether it be little lives being created, the meshing of 2 lifestyles into one or the numerous financial whoas, you can never be prepared for what a marriage is going to be. All are different and all are difficult in one way or another. Marriage isn't always pretty. It isn't always a fairytale. It isn't always flowers and butterflies. The ugly truth is that it can be down right ugly. It can be spiders and snakes. Matt and I at a young age realized this. We still realize this more and more as the years, days in fact, continue to go by.
A young couple just starting out, one in school, the other working endlessly trying to make ends meet. They get married, high on life and love. Excited to see what God has in store for their future. They have some unexpected issues and start to question the choices they made. They know all along they are in love and this will last but sometimes just talking to someone who has been through the trials and tribulations is the reassurance they need for pressing on. Matt apparently had a talk with a young man a while back and told him not to give up and to stick beside his bride and their marriage. Well today, that same young man came up to Matt and told him thank you for the advice. He told him that Matt and I and our marriage are an inspiration to him. This warms my heart. Knowing you could help someone out so much by doing something so little is true gift from God. A lot of people see(and hear) about the bad times but are rarely ever around to see the many, many good times so when someone tells you they respect you for what you have gone through and overcome, it puts a sense of pride and accomplishment in you. I often think that we would be so much better off had we not been thru the sheer crap we have. The truth is we are better people for making it through it all. Matt is a better husband. I am a better wife and we are both better parents. I hate that marriages crumble without ever having a chance. If our life together and marriage, the good and the bad, can help just one other young couple conquer the devils need to have their marriage fail, then I feel like everything we have gone through in the past 12 years was absolutely worth it. Every tear and every smile. You take the good times despite the bad. You accept each others faults and love each others differences. That is what a marriage is. That is exactly what our marriage is. You add 3 screaming, demanding, loud, crazy kids to the mix and the greatness only multiplies.
Today we got an unexpected "Thank You". Today we got an unexpected start.
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