Last night was not only Corbin's first game of the season, it was his first baseball game ever. And he did awesome. The whole team did great. Won 11 to 4!
Corbin was the 3rd up to bat and the first to make a hit! Got on first sweat. The second time he was up to bat, the ball FLEW up in the air...he took off running...straight thru first base. The only hick-up here was that he could have kept running. That ball was gone. He was so concerned with getting on first he didn't realize he hit a home run! By the time he realized he could keep going the other team got him out at second base. I think his best play of the game was when he was playing short stop and got a player out at second. He was so proud of himself...and he should have been.
On the drive home Taya told him "I so proud you!"
We have another game tomorrow night and every Monday and Friday night thru mid May. Shockingly enough, I can't wait!
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