Don't get me wrong, I love my boys, my husband, my parents, my brother and my niece more than anything but Taya is the single best thing that has ever happened to me. She makes me want to be better. Better at everything. I guess it's because I want to show her how to be the best little girl, lady and woman she can be. Our moments spent together are so precious. I long for the weekends so we can nap together on Saturday and Sunday. We sing together, she rubs me, I rub her...and she tells me "Momma, hold you". So she turns her back to me, I hold her close and we dream off peacefully...together.

The older she gets, the better it gets. We now go get pedicures together, shop together, and just enjoy being together no matter what it is we may be doing, whether it be simple or full of energy. It has gotten to the point that now anytime she and I leave the house alone together, she asks me, "We go paint toes" which means "Are we going to get pedicures?" Anytime we go to Target she says "Get Choc-it" which means "I want a Caramel Frapaccino".
Taya is a sweet spirited little thing. If she is sad because something has upset her, she says "I sad" and if she is scared because someone is being loud, she says "I scared", but the best has to be when something makes her happy, she says "Oh, Make-a me so haaapy". We now spend our time trying to do and say stuff that will prompt her to say this. Sooo, I devised a plan. Now instead of her saying it, I say to her "Taya, you make-a mommy so happy". This is followed by her saying "Aww, yeah" accompanied by this face"
I love her more than all the stars in the sky and with her, I have the most fun. I can't wait to watch her grow and become a beautiful young lady. At the same time it makes me so sad. I cherish every moment and every memory with her. We have the most unbreakable bond and I love her so very much.
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