Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy. That's exactly what my brother, Brian, is. An Awesome daddy.
How many single dads do you know that would drop everything, load up a Uhaul...clothes, furniture, personal belongs and all, quit their job and move half way across country to be near their child. Brian did just that...for Nikki. He did this all the while knowing that the road ahead is going to be the most steep, curving, un-nerving, torturous one he has traveled yet. There are a couple people and a few key factors that play into the unsettling road yet traveled. It's gonna be a fight to the finish and a battle of the courts. I know that CT is a temporary home and he will be back, but it seems so far away. In the words of Carrie Underwood-"This is our temporary home, it's not where we belong, These windows and rooms that we're passing through, this is just a stop on the way to where we're going, I'm not afraid because I know, this is our temporary home."
I always knew that the bond between siblings was great, whether it be brothers, sisters or a brother and a sister. I see it everyday in the lives of my children, however, I never experienced it first hand like I did Friday night when I had to say goodbye to my brother while loading up his things. It was honestly one of the hardest things I have ever done. I didn't want to do this and I didn't think I could. Here I was in tears and my brother, being the one leaving everything he knows behind, was so strong. Not sure if that's because the rest of the family was falling apart and he was trying to keep it together or because he is so determined to get his daughter back. Whatever it was, he was strong. As we left, I hear my daughter in the back seat say "Corbin kying, Corbin kying", Ethan then turned and said "Corbin is crying". I asked what was wrong and between breaths he says " I'm gonna miss Uncle Brian", so then I start to cry even more. Then, this morning as I tell Taya we are leaving she says "we go see mema, pepa, Biiian" which brought tears to my eyes yet again. Their uncle has brought them so much joy and so much love, I can hardly imagine the love his daughter feels for him.
We have always been close but I didn't realize how close until he left. We talk every once in awhile and see each other a couple times a month but I now see I wish I had made more of an effort to do it more. I have called him 3 times already and he hasn't been gone 24 hours yet. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful uncle for my children, a brother-in-law to my husband and a brother to me.
I know that God does everything for a reason. Just seeing what those reasons are sometimes feels impossible. I believe in God, I have faith and I pray constantly but I often wonder if the power of prayer is enough. Is it? I feel so hopeless not being able to do anything to make the road easier. All I can do is pray. I hope it's enough.
I just want to tell Brain, to keep your head up, keep the faith and keep praying. Always know that you have a devoted family back home that will go to great lengths to see things work out.
"And through time as life changes, always know of his love, in his arms he will guide you, it will always be enough. He will give you special strength when those hard times come, just close your eyes and know he's there giving you his love"-Michael Bridges
In the perfect words of Brian-This isn't a period, it's just a comma in the story book of life.
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