Sunday, March 7, 2010

Good Thing He's Beautiful

God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave us Ethan and made him so beautiful. See, the month after Ethan turned 5(This was May 18th, 2006)he flipped backwards off the swingset and busted his forehead open which ended up in a multitude of stitches and a mommy being MORE protective. Things went well for 7 MONTHS, then on New Years day 2007, he was rough housin' with his brother in our living room and somehow managed to trip and/or fall into our wooden end table and the corner went THREW his lip. When I say went through, I mean had a nice HOLE through his top lip. This again ended up in another multitude of stitches and an EVEN MORE protective mom. Again, things have gone well for 3 years...UNTIL Friday night. Ya see, the boys are lazy at times. They have a tall dresser in their room that I ALWAYS have to tell them to shut the drawers. I do have reasoning with my insanity here. It it because it looks better shut and for SAFETY REASONS! Matt was gone to get dinner, Corbin was in the shower, Taya was playing in the boys room, Ethan was in his room and I was in the kitchen cleaning up a bit. All of a sudden Ethan started to cry a bit. Actually, it was more like whining because some one made him mad. It was in no way a scream of sheer pain and terror. I even thought to myself "What is he whining about now" BIG MISTAKE! I decided to see what had happened and to my surprise and heartbreak, I turned the corner to see blood dripping from my son's face. We rushed to the bathroom. Ethan was freaked out due to the blood, Taya was freaked out due to Ethan being freaked out, Matt was still gone, Corbin was just getting out of the shower and I was TRYING to keep my composure. I just kept telling Ethan to breathe, not to mention telling myself the same thing. There was so much blood coming from his head, I couldn't see where the stinkin' blood was coming from. It was coming from his forehead, the side of his nose and his nostril itself. Thankfully, somehow none of these injuries were deep enough to need stitches. In the end, he ended up with a nice gash in the center of his forehead, an ugly scrape down the right side of his nose and a chunk of skin is missing from his right nostril. Poor kid...

Even with the beat up face, he still manages to smile and laugh through it all.

I have learned no matter how protective you are, things are going to happen and that's just a fact of life. We must live with it and move on. In the end, it only makes the kids stronger, not to mention us as parents, as is the case with Ethan. As small as he is, his heart is HUGE and he could conquer the world if he wanted to. We are so very blessed, lucky and honored to have him as our son. He is our sweet, innocent, precious, perfect little brusier and we could never love him anymore than we do right now. EVERYDAY is a gift NO matter how crazy it may be. Kiss your babies endless amounts and let them know just how awesome they are:-)

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