Corbin Lost his FIRST tooth yesterday! And he has another one loose, almost ready to come out!
As I sit and think how fast he's growing up, I remember a few priceless moments. See, Corbin has always been a momma's boy, even though he's into "boy" things. Ever since he was old enough to give kisses, we've had a special kiss that he will only do with me. First, he kisses my forehead, then my right cheek, then the left, then my chin, then my nose and then finally my lips. Don't know why or how it started...but somehow it just did. Til' this very day, he still does it.
I also remember back when he was about 2-3 yrs old. He would get "in trouble" and we would ask him why he did whatever he did. We would say "Why did you do ???", he would say "Bacuzz", then we say "Why" and he would reply so innocently with "BECUZZ WHY". We would never get the reason...just BECUZZ WHY! We still laugh about that til' this day.
Then there was the time we were in mid potty training. He was about 2-3 again. Ethan was 4-5 and would be really upset if he knew I was telling this but it's the lead in to "My Corby" story. Anyway, Ethan would strain and push so hard when going poop. He would turn red in the face and just look plain angry. We told him time after time that he needed to be patient when he was pooping. It will come out when ready. Well, apparently Corbin was hip to this. One day he was on the potty, look at Matt and I and said "I'm patient with MYYY poo-poo"
Haha! I love it! That won't be embarrassing at all when they grow up :)