Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kidd's Kid's Day

The BEST morning show EVER is “Kidd Kraddick In the Morning”. I listen to them at work from 6-10 every morning, only taking a break every now and then to answer the phone. Well, yesterday was Kidd’s Kids day. For those of you that don’t know, one day every year Kidd and his whole staff dedicate their show to raising money for his organization called “Kidd’s Kids”. This organization is for terminally ill children. They raise money and with that money, that the public donates, they take 50 families(Kids, parents, siblings and all) to DISNEY WORLD for an entire week. This year they are taking 52 families. It amazes me the dedication Kidd’s listeners have to the show and to Kidd’s Kids itself. In just the 4 hour show yesterday, they raised OVER $400 THOUSAND. WOW!

I will be entirely honest. Normally every year on this day I either don’t listen at all or turn the channel when they start talking about it. I feel like if I listen then something bad will happen to my kids-Ridiculous, I know. It’s just very hard to listen to the stories of past years…some kids still here and others now with their maker. Listening to the siblings of the ill children is inspiring. The love, the devotion, the hope they have for their brother or sister. Amazing.

This year I decided to be a big girl, put my big girl panties on and listen. As I listened the more and more I realized how I take my kids for granted, knowing they will be here tomorrow. I put things off with them because I will have time another day to do it. The truth is that you NEVER know what tomorrow holds and you are never guaranteed that tomorrow will come for you and/or your children. I am SO grateful that we have 3 healthy, beautiful, perfect kids. We are blessed enough to be able to take our kids to the fair, to Fiesta Texas, to Six Flags, to water parks. We’re able to take them on vacation every spring break, every summer….they are able to enjoy life at it’s best. They can play sports, ride bikes, run like crazy and use all the energy God gave them. All the while there are so many kids out there that can only hope and pray for that energy. The energy that makes me crazy at times…when I want them to sit still and relax a bit. That is a craziness I will take over sick kids any day.

The love I have for my kids is unstoppable. I will never take the health of my kids for granted again. I am a paranoid freak, feeling them for fever literally once every half hour, always asking if they feel okay. In fact tomorrow we are taking them all 3to get their flu shot. To PREVENT the flu. How fortunate am I that I am able to give my kids a shot for an illness that is common. How many parents are there that only wish there was a shot to prevent whatever illness or disease their child has. Whether it be cancer, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, etc. I always think of myself as a good mom . I tell you what, after listening to the parents that have put their lives on hold to help their kids, I have to rethink that. The sacrifices, the sleepless nights, the financial struggles, the tests of strength…it goes on and on. Those parents are better than I will ever be. I admit that. My heart goes out to those families.

Thank you to Kidd Kraddick, Kelly Rasberry, Big Al Mac, J-Si and Jenna for all you do…

I have said it a million and 5 times…I will say it again, hug and kiss your babies every chance you get and let them know how proud you are of them and how much you love and adore them. I know I will:-)

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