Anyway, to my story. The Wednesday before homecoming we had a city wide parade that went through downtown Tom Bean. It was something I have never felt nor will ever forget. I literally got chills and tears in my eyes. The fact that our kids can experience that and take part was amazing. They loved it as much as I did. Their teeth, well, that's another blog. The parade was led by the police cheif, followed by a fire truck(they have some nice fire trucks here. Surprising for such a small town). After the fire truck were 5 cars with the homecoming court, then there was a truck and a flatbed trailor for every grade, Pre-k to 12th. The pee-wee football and team and cheerleaders were there too. As the parade past they were throwing out candy. We were in a good spot, right next to my dad and a few other coaches, thus causing some of the student body to hurl candy our direction. The kids got enough candy then to not even need to worry about Halloween...but I'm sure they will. After the parade we all went to the football stadium and had a city wide church service. It was really neat. I think the students enjoyed it. They were throwing out mini footballs and glow braclets. Just when you think that teenagers are all rotten you come across the slight few that make ya think otherwise. There was a certain group of about 4 guys sitting behind us and they gave Taya a mini football and al 3 a pack a glow bands(seeings how my kids are short and were unablr to accomplish this). I was moved by their genorosity. Who knows, maybe it was that "Coach Upchurch" was sitting right next to us:-) Either way, I was moved. Moving on, after the service was the BONDFIRE. This, I saw for myself, is a BIG deal. It was behind the scoreboard at the field. This thing was massive. We played the Whitewright Tigers that week so they passed out, to a select groud, tiger tails. The point was to throw the tails in the fire and watch them burn. Nice family fun. Taya was given a tail and was given the opportunity to throw the tail in so the Head cheerleader, Tenae, took her to throw it in. We hung out a bit but after we got nice and toasty warm, we headed home.

Then 2 days later was the big homecoming game. There was even a city wide pep rally. This means the boys were able to get on the bus and ride to the high school to participate. Lucky for us, my dad coaches Ethan's teacher's son so she was able to snap a quick pic.

The game was fun. The boys played and I ate:) Taya learned even more cheers from Big Taya. She likes to shake her "bahyie"(AKA,bottom). Sadly, we got smoked that game but it was a fun week in lue of that.

My mom and I even made shirts.
Now today, more greatness. Corbin came home with the monthly Tom Bean Elemenanewsletter. I am proud to say that each of the boys were mentioned 2 times. Ethan for "A" honor roll and Corbin for "B". They were both also named for perfect attendance. Another fun fact is that our little bity elementary school was chosen SCHOOL OF THE YEAR by our local Walmart and Sams club. Their were 10 specific teachers in the school that got $100.00 gift cards to be spent in the classroom. I am pleased to say that BOTH, Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Lacy(the boys teachers)were 2 to receive the gift cards.
I'm(we)at peace with the fact that after however many years of school have past, moving from home to home....we are finally right here in Tom Bean(Van Alstyne)...where we belong