Thursday night we loaded the Uhaul. Friday morning we made the hour and half drive to our new home. There we we UNloaded the Uhaul and unpacked the boxes. Then it was time for my FAVORITE part...DECORATING. I really believe I missed my calling as an interior decorator. Who needs medical software programmers anyway?
Maci(our puppy)can't decide f she likes it here or hates it. Random animals showing up at any given moment and so many trees. The other day she was prancin' her way through the overgrown grass in the was priceless(think she even attacked a tall piece of grass, and she won).
The kids came home today(they were at mema and pepa's all weekend)and LOVED their rooms...which is good cause I worked my tail off.
I needed a tomato and sour cream for our fajitas we had for dinner so I just jumped in car and drove the 4 MINUTES to my folks house. Who needs a grocery store when you have moms fridge so close by? I was there in back in less than 20 minutes...and that includes my chatting time. AWESOME!
Matt even enjoys the drive into town. The hills, the trees, the serenity of the country. I love seeing him so happy and full of smiles(once Dish network comes out tomorrow this will be even better).
I get home from my folks and see Ethan in the garage beatin' the heck outta the punching bag. He looked at home and so happy and comfortable with his new surroundings. This melted my heart.
So as I sit here...Taya and boys in their room chillaxin' watching TV, snuggled up next to my wonderful husband...I look around and feel totally at peace and like everything is right in our little world...
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