Monday, August 23, 2010

Off To School They Go

Welcome to TOM BEAN ISD!

The start of this school year brings mixed emotions. New school, new friends, new memories. The boys were nervous, skeptical, yet excited and ready for a new chapter in their school career. I think it brings them a lot of peace and joy to know that pepa teaches less than a mile away and everyone who is anyone in this town knows him. It makes them feel safe and secure in their new little world, thus bringing me comfort as well.

So as we prepared for the day today, last night I set their alarm for 6AM. The bus will be here between 6:35-6:45AM. That is WAY early for my little tike's. That is way early for me. Unfortunately, I have to be at work at 6 so am not here in the mornings. I gave Matt his wake up call at 6 and asked that he have the boys call me once they were ready to go. I am sitting at my desk when I get a call from Ethan at 6:17. I asked what he was doing...he said "Oh just outside waiting on the bus." Are you kidding me? The bus doesn't come for another 15-20 minutes. I ask where Corbin was and he said "Waiting on the bus with me". I told them to be safe and have a wonderful first day of school.

I get a call at 6:35 from Matt saying they just hopped on the bus and were on their way. Matt said they saw the bus coming and you could see the excitement on their faces. Man how I wish I could have been there to see it. Matt then said he was bored and didn't know what to do as it was only 630 and he had been awake since 6 so he couldn't go to sleep and tot was still snoozin'.

So after school they hop the bus again and make their stops. They stop at the high school to grab kids and see pepa ingoing the process. Pepa then hops aboard the bus to say hello and Ethan tries to convince him that he should take them to football practice. Pepa declined as it was stinkin' hot out. So they end up at home at 3:50. Taya waiting in the front door wearing nothing but cute. She told me she wants to get big and go to kooool too. I tried to explain to the boys last week that they grow up so fast and they need to enjoy being a kid...adulthood will come too fast. It ain't all the jazz I thought it was when I was a tike. I guess I need to let Taya know that going to school isn't all fun and games too.

We started chatting about their day and the friends they already made. Apparently, Ethan has a crush and was going to ask her tomorrow if she felt the same. I told him this is not a good idea the second day of school. After all, he is too young to be a stalker. Taya was trying to talk to Corbin as he did his spelling words(which he got all correct on the first try) and he simply told her "Taya, I can't play right now, I have a big test." I laughed as if he were studying for the BAR examine. The test isn't until Friday anyway. Just very cute.

Funny story-Corbin's teacher's name is Mrs. Lacy. This is ironic since when uncle Brian was in second grade his teacher was Mrs. Lacy. Then the very next year when I was in second grade I had that same Mrs. Lacy. Now Corbin is in second grade and his teacher is Mrs. Lacy. He thought it was so awesome that he had the same teacher momma and uncle Brian did. I had to explain these aren't the same Mrs. Lacy's...but all the same, it is a neat tidbit of info that made him smile.

Today was also Matt's first day of school...New school for him as well. Chemistry, Spanish, Phsycology and Government. He has a FULL plate. I think this may be his toughest semester yet. Good luck my love, I have faith in you. You are my hero and i grow prouder of you with every passing day.

So here's to a new year...and new journey:)

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