As some of you know, Ethan had to take the TAKS test for the first time back in April. Keep in mind, this is a new gig. When I was a youngster, this test didn't least not for third graders. Well, we sat down, had a talk with "E" and told him how very important this test is. We told him it was gonna be tough and he really needed to focus and that OF COURSE, no matter what the end result was, we would be so proud of him for trying his best. Test day arrives, we pump him up and send him on his way. Test day ends and he tells us he feels that he did a good job. So now we wait...Well, I am please to say that he comes home and says " Dad/Mom, I have great news" to which we respond, "What is it bubba?" He then says "I PASSED the TAKS test!" Yes folks, he PASSED both the math and the reading. We erupt with joy and tell him how proud we are of him, but I gotta tell ya, the best part was the sense of pride and accomplishment he had on his safe for himself. Truly priceless. He got 27 out of 36 correct in the reading and 31 out of 40 in the math, only missing 9 out of each test. I now owe him $50. Money well spent, I know.
Corbin received a huge accomplishment as well. See, Corbin gets in trouble as all kids do at home but the kid can't get in trouble at school if he tried-I actually think he does try at times with no success. Well, he received the PRINCIPAL'S ACHIEVEMENT award for having STRAIGHT A'S ALL YEAR LONG...NOT A SINGLE B. The excitement on his face when he brings work home is precious. He comes home and makes sure you see EVERYTHING he has done. In fact, he has so many "100's", that if they aren't all 100, he gets upset. I ain't lying...even a 98 upsets him. After all, he thinks that if he did the work and tried he deserves a 100. We are working on this.
I must add to this post by saying that we only have 1 more yr until Tot starts Pre-K. This terrifies me.
So my friends, the close of this school year is bittersweet. 1 more year down yet 1 more closer to them graduating. This year was full of firsts. First major test, first straight A's, first programs, first time to CHOOSE what you want from the lunch line, first time to miss less that 4 days of school all year...the list goes on and on. As they say goodbye to the school and friends they have known for 2 years, they gear up for a new journey.
The 2010/2011 school year brings many new firsts. A new home, new room, new yard, new city, new school, new friends, new teachers...and a wonderful new beginning.
Yes, my friends, as we head into summer, I realize...We made it through.
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