Last week Matt was away on business so I, for the second week in a row, was doing the whole single mom thing. Got the kids up at the crack of dawn(5am to be exact), ran through the day as normal and crashed by 9:30. Every morning I felt like a terrible parent, getting the kids up so early(during summer at that), driving in the car, for what seems like forever, and just having to be away period. The kids however were fine. Happy. Awake. Discussing the topic of conversation on Kidd Kraddick in the morning(had to abruptly change the station a couple times) and rarin' to start their day. At one point, I was so tired, missing Matt and just feeling really low. We're driving on 205, behind the normal 6am traffic thinking I REALLY wish I was home in bed when I look over and see this...
At that moment, all the chaos and craziness of the world dissipated and a HUGE smile and feeling of total peace filled my entire body.
I believe God gives us kids to remind us in moments of doubt that there is ALWAYS humor and love in this life big enough to conquer it all.
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