Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Defining Moment As A Parent

Let me just start with this.

As crazy as it may sound, I find myself questioning my parenting skills on a daily basis. How will the decisions I make today affect my children tomorrow? Am I doing the right thing? Do I show them enough how much I love them? Do they know how proud I am of them? These and many, many more overtake my mind...all the time.

Well, my precious Corbin. What can I say about this little gem of a son? Besides being the cutest blonde haired, blue-eyed little man, he has a heart of gold. He is always asking what he can do around the house to help. Unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms and on and on. I must add that after(sometimes before) these "helpful moments", he will ask "Are you gonna pay me mamma?" Yes, he is definitely my child.

I stayed home from work on Monday. The boys are early birds and are awake before the roosters crow. As I walk out to get them ready for school, I turn the corner and see both my precious boys in the dining room floor, fully clothed-shoes and all-getting their backpacks ready for their day. All the while, just as happy as can be and chatting it up as only brothers can.

Here comes my defining moment. I ask them if they are ready and did they have breakfast, Corbin replies with "I made our lunches mamma." No joke, PB and J sandwiches, chips, a snack and a drink, all out-fitted with the proper ice packs. I noticed grape jelly drippings on the counter but was too taken back by the fact that my 7 yr old made lunch, all on his own for him and his brother, that I simply wiped up the jelly and we were off to school.

In the moment of jelly-wiping, tears in my eyes, I then realized, "Yes Amy, you ARE doing a good job as a parent and the decisions you DO make are noticed by your kids." I thank God each and everyday for my babies and chance to mother them. I have been given 3 perfect little gifts that I sometimes take for granted. Something as simple as lunch-making opened my eyes to see the positive affects of my mothering. There's nothing better than that and I couldn't ask for anything more.

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