Enter selfish lesson #1...My brother has a beautiful, healthy little girl who unfortunately lives thousands of miles away in CT with her mom. Unlike TX, CT is insanely expensive. Let me put it this way, my salary in CT would be peanuts, but here, I manage to provide a pretty nice life for my kiddos. My brother is working day in and day out to be able to be in the same state as his duaghter, Nikki, let alone the same home-no matter how big or how small it may be. Even in a small, "closing in" house, I get to see and kiss my babies everyday. My brother hopes for that one call everyday that makes his heart skip a beat.
Brian, my brother, is planning to move to CT next month to be with Nikki! Enter selfish lesson #2... I am bummed about this. I am excited for him to be with her but at the same time I am sad he won't be just a drive away anymore. I will miss him imensely but I am sure that pails in comparison to how much he misses Nikki now. She is the sparkle in his eye and the light of his life.

Moral of my story...always be grateful for what you have, no matter how big or how small. Treasure everyday and kiss your kiddos every chance you get.
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