With that said, as the kids grow and go off to school, I am amazed everyday at how much they really do take in on a daily basis. For example, back when Corby was in PRE-K(yes, I said pre-k, meaning he was 4!) he came home from school and over our normal dinner-time conversation, he look at us as serious as can be while we were eating our bread, rolls, biscuits...something of that sort, and said "Mom, these are CARBOHYDRATES". WHAT? HE WAS 4! Anyway, I do have a point...just not there yet.
This year Mr. man Ethan, has to take the TAKS test for the FIRST time ever. For those of you who aren't aware, the TAKS test is a statewide test that ALL kids starting in 3rd grade must pass to move along their journey in school. In other words, IT'S A BIG DEAL! My dad is a teacher so this is instilled into my brain how important this test is. Well, this test is in 3 weeks....
Apparently, in 3rd grade you start to write. You write a lot. The below is something Ethan wrote about what he likes to do on a snow day.
"What I like to do on a snow day is play outside, make a snowman, have a snowball fight and slide on my knees and get wet. What I also like to do on a snowday is throw my brother in the snow and laugh and run from him because he might do it to me but I don't want that to happen because I like pranking him. My favorite part to do on a snowday is have fun and slide on my back and knees. When I don't want to play in the snow anymore, I will go inside and drink hot chocolate and watch a movie."
I think it's priceless that even when at school and in classes 2 hallways apart, the boys still think of the fun times they have together. Truely priceless:)