Monday, December 16, 2013

To Elf or Not To Elf

A lot of people ask if we have an Elf on The Shelf for our kids (mainly Taya). When I tell them no they act as if I'm crazy and ask me why. So here's the answer for those who care...and for those who don't. 

The answer is simple, really. Jesus Christ. 

Why am I going to spend 4-6 weeks trying to coheres my kids to behave or the Elf (Larry, Curly, Moe or whatever his name is) will report back to Santa with some not so great news. I get it's cute and fun (to some people) at times but are you not missing the point of CHRISTmas? 

We don't go to church every Sunday or once a month. Heck, we don't even go twice a year BUT, we do still talk about our Lord and Savior regularly. We discuss what is and is not acceptable. What Jesus expects and deserves and what we as people deserve and expect of ourselves.

If you ask any of our kids what Christmas is and why we celebrate, they'll all tell you the same thing. The birth of Baby Jesus. Yes, they (again, mainly Taya, thankfully the boys are past the believing stage) mention Santa and want him to bring presents but they get the BIG picture. Which is...we have presents to open because of the birth of Jesus. Not because the jolly fellow in the bright red suit thinks you "deserve" them. Of course Santa still swings by the ole' Ramey plantation but he only leaves ONE present for each child. We, mom and dad, buy and provide the other plethora of presents under the tree that WE are ABLE to provide because GOD and JESUS have provided us with the means to do so. NOT, the fat, bearded guy. Our kids realize and APPRECIATE this. Which we appreciate. We do bake cookies for Santa BUT we ALSO bake Jesus a birthday cake.

Since your elves Tom, Dick and Harry are cute and "fun", why not have an Angel. A Guardian Angel, if you will, that watches you and protects you that reports back to God and Jesus on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis?!? If Jesus sees, hears and knows all, then why must we have "something" report back to him, you ask? Good question. To which my answer is...THE SAME CAN BE SAID FOR SANTA. After all, that old popular song says "he sees you when your sleeping, he knows when your awake, he knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake!" Good ole' Mr. Elf is not needed for this.

In a nutshell, there ya have it. We, in the Ramey family, are keeping CHRIST in Christmas. Won't you join us?