Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Note From Taya's Teacher

Matt and I were so incredibly lucky that Taya had the Kindergarten teacher she did. Her name is Mrs. Clark. Not only was she Taya's teacher but, also, the mother of Corbin's "Favorite Best Friend", Bryce. 

It's always difficult for a mom to let her child go and grow up. It's difficult to watch them start school. However, knowing Taya's teacher it was a bit easier. I would send her to school everyday with a huge sense of peace. A peace only a mom can understand. I knew Mrs. Clark would love and protect Taya as her own while in her care 7 hours a day. Now that the school year has ended it saddens me. Not only am I sad Taya is getting older, I'm also sad Mrs. Clark won't be Taya's teacher anymore. A couple days before school let out, we received this letter and picture from Mrs. Clark. As I read the first line I busted into tears. So much so that I was mad at myself for getting so emotional...over a letter and a picture. What is wrong with me? Why am I such a huge emotional wreck when it comes to my kids growing up? Then, it hit me...I'm a mom. I love my kids. I'm NOT an emotional wreck. I'm a loving, caring, would do anything for my kids, mom.


Taya's Year--Kindergarten 2012-2013

As of last Thursday, we no longer have a Kindergartner. We now have a first grader. Full of excitement. Full of anticipation. Full of life.

 Her smile brightens my darkest of days. Her kiss reaches my soul. Her hug melts my whole heart. 

This, is Taya's kindergarten year through the eyes of her teachers camera.

First day of Kindergarten-August 2012

Class photo-first day


Carving pumpkins!


 Christmas concert- 2012

 My lil' reindeer

 Her is singing!

Making Christmas cookies!


Election Day! I hope she voted right!


Pajama day

 Snow day!

Honeycomb Bird-feeders

Beautiful face


 Egg hunting

 Nice loot!

 Field day-2013

 She was the lone blue ranger!

 100th day of school!
100 days smarter!

 Groundhog Day!

 Precious face!

 I'm in love with her!

 Wonder what was so funny?!?!


Award Ceremony-2013

Last day of school-June 2013

Taya and best teacher ever, Mrs. Clark! We will all miss you!

Class of 2025!!!