Saturday, July 21, 2012

Our Gymnast

Ethan started gymnastics a couple months ago and is doing so well. I'm so proud of all his hard work. He's a true natural. So confident and comfortable.

We're so excited to see all he can accomplish.

Keep it up, Ethan!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Taya's Birthday Time

Five years ago today, I gave birth to my best friend. My little ray of sunshine everyday. An angel that would complete my already fulfilled life. A little girl that would completely consume my body, spirit and soul.

This year we decided to due without the big party mess and decided to have a special family day all about Taya instead(much better than any party). We took the kids to a very quaint lake in Fort Worth and played in the sun ad water all day. We dove off diving boards(10 and 20 feet high dives, I might add), slid down crazy slides and just plain had good ole' fashioned fun. Just the 5 of us. That night we came home and my brother and Ashlie came over for dinner and presents(my mom was sick in bed with strep and respiratory infection..YUCK).

Her boot cake!

She's 5!!!

Her new baby doll.

New babydoll clothes.

More new babydoll clothes.

New pink horse truck and trailer. The boys ever fight her for this.

A plethora of horses.

Picture frame.

 Our country swimmer.

 My absolute angel! Happy Birthday Princess!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Picture Overload

A couple weeks ago we took the kids to get their yearly pictures made. They turned out awesome. It was so ridiculously hard to pick a few we didn't. Between my mom and I we bought pretty much each pose. These are just a taste of my absolute favorites. Enjoy!

These next ones are Taya's 5th birthday pictures!

My FAVORITE ever!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ramey Happenin's

Life in our home is always nuts, but the past few weeks have been CRAZY nuts. Juggling work, gymnastics, baseball, emotional meltdowns(mostly mine and Matt's) and just plain life itself.

Corbin recently participated in the All-Star tournament so preperation for that seemed endless. Sadly, we lost the tournament after 2 games and the baseball season for 2012 was officially over :(  We have seriously been considering letting Corbin try-out for the "select" team here in the area. If that doesn't work out, hopefully, they'll be able to put a "fall ball" team together and our baseball past time will be back sooner rather than later.

Ethan has found a new love...his first true love. GYMNASTICS. He is OUTSTANDING. He has had 4 classes and 3 PRIVATE lessons. His coach seems to be very impressed with his abilities and wants to see him pushed even further. This gives him a sense of pride that he hasn't had before. I was a bit skeptical about him being in gymnastics but watching him light up flippin' in the air, standing on his head and just being a monkey gives me peace that he's doing what he loves. What makes Ethan happy :-)

Taya...well, she'll be 5 next week. Anyone can ask her what she wants to be when she grows up and her answer never changes. Morning, noon or night....she's GONNA be a COWGIRL. Cutest darn one around. I'm trying to introduce her to the world of dance and ballet(ya know, just until I can afford horse riding lessons and she ages about 3 more years) but she apparently wants to follow in big brother Ethan's footsteps and tumble her way into gymnastics too. We'll see.

As for Matt and I, we are just trying the best we can to make the world go round. Matt's been gone for 2 weeks, just got home 2 days ago and is headed out again bright and early tomorrow morning. He'll be back in a couple days, home the rest of the week, then will leave again next Sunday for a minimum of 2 weeks. Possibly 4 :-( This is where the emotional meltdowns come in. Matt is so stressed and so drained, feeling so disconnected from the family. Afterall, he's missing all the cool stuff in the lives of our kids lately. But he's an awesome guy and he continues to do it, for the future of his family. Hopefully, God will open another door soon and will show him the way in. Fingers crossed.

As for me...I try to be strong....try to be the best mom I can to my 3 kiddos and the rock that my husband needs. I love my family...and our life...crazy or not.