Monday, April 23, 2012
It's Not Nice
Tonight the kids and I were driving home chatting. I was explaining to Corbin the difference between owning a home and renting one. I told him we ultimately are striving to buy one. However, there is literally little to nothing to choose from in our great old city of Tom Bean. This means we must rent for now. Boo, I know. There are a couple homes we love out here but they are foreclosures so it takes FOREVER for the banks to list them. The inquisitive mind that is Corbin asked what a foreclosure is. I ran through the whole gammit on what it was and why it happens. Just as I was finishing up the conversation, I hear Corbin next to me in the front passenger seat say "It's not nice to take lunch money from little kids at school." I asked him where the heck that came from. His reply..."I don't know, it's just not nice."
Have I mentioned I LOVE this boy???
Monday, April 16, 2012
Missing My Grandma
Today, April 16th, is my grandma's(moms mom) birthday. Twenty yrs ago, when I was 10, breast cancer took her from us. She fought it for 4 yrs until her frail body could fight no more. She left behind a legacy. A legacy that my parents, my brother and I and so many more people that still love her carry with them to this day.
I remember spending pretty much every weekend at the lake with my grandma and my papa Linc. We went to Tanglewood Resort at Lake Texoma and spent a ton of time there. I still have pictures of us on their boat and in the pool.
I only had her in my life for a short period of time but she made a HUGE impact on my life as a child. I wish everyday that my children, my niece and my husband would have all gotten the great pleasure of knowing and loving her as we all did. I know she is looking down on us all from heaven. I believe my grandma had a GINORMOUS part of God giving me Ethan. She wanted me to have a taste of what my parents did. I know this because Ethan is so much like me, it's frightening. Stubborn. Fearless yet timid. Pain in the rear yet so dear to my heart.
She was such a special person. So genuine. So selfless. I miss her so much but thankfully I am blessed with a mother JUST LIKE HER.
I will admit, there are times my family members tell me I'm just like other members of my family that I'm not so keen on. However, my mom tells me all the time that she sees my grandma in me everyday. That I'm just like her. My witty-ness, my sense of humor, the way I tell it like it is and don't mince words. She is one person I am HONORED to be compared to. If I'm half as special and great as she was, I'm a pretty lucky gal.
I remember spending pretty much every weekend at the lake with my grandma and my papa Linc. We went to Tanglewood Resort at Lake Texoma and spent a ton of time there. I still have pictures of us on their boat and in the pool.
I only had her in my life for a short period of time but she made a HUGE impact on my life as a child. I wish everyday that my children, my niece and my husband would have all gotten the great pleasure of knowing and loving her as we all did. I know she is looking down on us all from heaven. I believe my grandma had a GINORMOUS part of God giving me Ethan. She wanted me to have a taste of what my parents did. I know this because Ethan is so much like me, it's frightening. Stubborn. Fearless yet timid. Pain in the rear yet so dear to my heart.
She was such a special person. So genuine. So selfless. I miss her so much but thankfully I am blessed with a mother JUST LIKE HER.
I will admit, there are times my family members tell me I'm just like other members of my family that I'm not so keen on. However, my mom tells me all the time that she sees my grandma in me everyday. That I'm just like her. My witty-ness, my sense of humor, the way I tell it like it is and don't mince words. She is one person I am HONORED to be compared to. If I'm half as special and great as she was, I'm a pretty lucky gal.
Turning 11
Last week our Ethan had yet ANOTHER birthday. I tell ya, seems like the older they get, the more often these birthdays come around. The special thing is that no matter how old you get, there are only a few birthdays that are actually milestones. In my mind these are: 1(for obvious reasons), 5(you start "big kid" school), 10(you enter double digits), 13(you become a teenager), 16(you can get your drivers liscense), 18(you become an "adult"), 20(you're no longer a teenager when just a few years earlier you were so over joyed to be one), 21(you can drink "adult beverages" if you so choose), 30(just because), 40(you're "over the hill, whatever that means), 50(you're half a CENTURY old) and 100(self explanatory). Last year was the first BIG birthday I think Ethan even remembers. Turning "double digits", and being a DECADE old.
This year he turned 11 and he decided he wanted to have a campout. So, we dug out the good ole' tent, which I think all 3 kids were more impressed with than our home, mowed the mile-high grass, set up the Longhorn bean bag toss game and prepared for a feast. Those that know Ethan VERY well will know that you ask his favorite food and he will not hesitate to tell you RIBS! So mommy's mema and pepa bought him 3 racks of ribs. DELICIOUS! Ribs, mashed potatos, corn on the cob, garlic bread and salad. Oh and let's not forget the quacamole! My mom makes the best. Seriously, she could jar it up and sell it for a premium price. I baked him cupcakes and Matt formed them into an army tank and decorated it.
Matt mowing.

The ole' great tent.

Even though this birthday wasn't one of the "milestones", it was still special. It was still Ethan's birthday. He's a good kid.

No matter how much he pushes my buttons, tests my patience or just plain gives me a run for my money...He has a huge spirit and a loving heart. He just wants to make us proud. We are. I adore this kid.
This year he turned 11 and he decided he wanted to have a campout. So, we dug out the good ole' tent, which I think all 3 kids were more impressed with than our home, mowed the mile-high grass, set up the Longhorn bean bag toss game and prepared for a feast. Those that know Ethan VERY well will know that you ask his favorite food and he will not hesitate to tell you RIBS! So mommy's mema and pepa bought him 3 racks of ribs. DELICIOUS! Ribs, mashed potatos, corn on the cob, garlic bread and salad. Oh and let's not forget the quacamole! My mom makes the best. Seriously, she could jar it up and sell it for a premium price. I baked him cupcakes and Matt formed them into an army tank and decorated it.
Matt mowing.

The ole' great tent.

Even though this birthday wasn't one of the "milestones", it was still special. It was still Ethan's birthday. He's a good kid.

No matter how much he pushes my buttons, tests my patience or just plain gives me a run for my money...He has a huge spirit and a loving heart. He just wants to make us proud. We are. I adore this kid.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
My #1 Players
We have officially enetered the 2012 baseball season. Last year was Corbin's first year to play. He had a blast playing and we had a blast watching him! This year has gotten even better and has brought us a new baseball player to love. Ethan! They are both playing in the 10 and under age group and are on the same team. It's so exciting to watch them grow as individuals and to learn where their strong points are. Ethan plays out-field and Corbin plays short-stop.
My crew before their first game.

Don't ya love Taya's boots?

Ethan at bat!

Corbin at bat!

They are 2-0! Way to go boys!
My crew before their first game.

Don't ya love Taya's boots?

Ethan at bat!

Corbin at bat!

They are 2-0! Way to go boys!
Monday, April 2, 2012
A couple weeks ago my world was turned up-side down.
I had been having upper abdominal pain(that was as bad, if not worse than labor pain)and apparently after eating Golden Corral for lunch one Sunday afternoon just REALLY ticked off my stomach, which turned out to be my lovely gallbladder...ya know, that thing you never really even know is there or what it's purpose is...until you anger it.
So, after barely eating or drinking anything for 4 days I went to see my family doc. Love this guy. The kids see him too. I told him my symptoms, he felt around and decided he was almost positive it was my gallbladder. He sent me to have an ultrasound that afternoon and said surgery PROBABLY in the next couple weeks. Ok, I have time to prepare. The kids and I then went to play in bounce houses for the next 3 hours. They ate nachos and french mouth was watering. See, thanks to the ultrasound I couldn't eat or drink anything...NOT even WATER.
We get to the imaging center at 3:00. at 3:30 I had my ultrasound. Everything to go as normal. Until the tech showed the Dr my pictures. They got on the phone right away with my family doc. The tech came back and said my doc was fixing to call me. I was a bit confused and left. As I get to the parking lot my phone rings. It's my doc. He tells me he's calling the ER doc and the SURGEON on call at the local hospital. Pardon me? Say what? Why? He told me I was in worse shape than he thought and "this" isn't going to wait until Monday...that I WON'T MAKE IT til Monday. Still not sure what that meant but as you imagine at that moment I was terrified. Thank GOD my dad had decided to come sit with the kids while I had the ultrasound. He kept me in one piece...otherwise I would have collapsed.
By 4:15 I was in the ER. Crying hysterically. Matt was on a Houston...6 hours away. I didn't know what to do or think. I thought I had at least 2 weeks to prepare.
I got a room 5 hours later and settled in for the night. My amazing mom by my side the entire time. Would have been lost without her. She was my backbone for 2 days. Sleeping in the most awkward, "eat you alive" recliner for 2 nights, taking me and my IV pole to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I was only strong thanks to her.
Next morning, bright and early they wheel me into surgery. I again couldn't stop crying. Texted Matt and told him I loved him and to tell the kids I loved them...ya know, in the terrible case that I didn't wake up(my worst fear EVER). As they drugged me I told my mom to sue if I didn't wake up. That way my family would be set financially.
Surgery went great and within 2 hours I was back in my room...for another night. I saw the kids and my folks a few minutes then off my dad and the boys went to a track meet. The boys had a great time helping out and hanging with the high school boys. I'm SO glad they had that escape from the reality of me being hooked up to machines and in the hospital. Taya, however, stayed at the hospital with my mom and I that whole day. She was awesome. She fed me jello and ice chips and made certain I drank enough water and did my breathing treatments as directed.
Later that night Matt got home and came to see me. He was definitely a sight for eyes. Such a relief to have him finally by my side.
The next day I went home. It was then that I realized just HOW much I need and love my husband. Poor guy, I know I must have worn him out.
I have to say after all is said and done I have a regret. I really wish my kids never had to see me like that. Crying inconsolably. Terrified. I could tell by the look in their eyes they knew something was wrong. Really hit me how affected they were when strong one, the one that tries to be so tough and independent, told my dad "Pepa, I want my mom the way she used to be."
Glad to say I'm back the way I used to be, just gallbladder free, a bit wiser and WHOLE LOT more thankful...for my own life...and the amazing people in it.
I had been having upper abdominal pain(that was as bad, if not worse than labor pain)and apparently after eating Golden Corral for lunch one Sunday afternoon just REALLY ticked off my stomach, which turned out to be my lovely gallbladder...ya know, that thing you never really even know is there or what it's purpose is...until you anger it.
So, after barely eating or drinking anything for 4 days I went to see my family doc. Love this guy. The kids see him too. I told him my symptoms, he felt around and decided he was almost positive it was my gallbladder. He sent me to have an ultrasound that afternoon and said surgery PROBABLY in the next couple weeks. Ok, I have time to prepare. The kids and I then went to play in bounce houses for the next 3 hours. They ate nachos and french mouth was watering. See, thanks to the ultrasound I couldn't eat or drink anything...NOT even WATER.
We get to the imaging center at 3:00. at 3:30 I had my ultrasound. Everything to go as normal. Until the tech showed the Dr my pictures. They got on the phone right away with my family doc. The tech came back and said my doc was fixing to call me. I was a bit confused and left. As I get to the parking lot my phone rings. It's my doc. He tells me he's calling the ER doc and the SURGEON on call at the local hospital. Pardon me? Say what? Why? He told me I was in worse shape than he thought and "this" isn't going to wait until Monday...that I WON'T MAKE IT til Monday. Still not sure what that meant but as you imagine at that moment I was terrified. Thank GOD my dad had decided to come sit with the kids while I had the ultrasound. He kept me in one piece...otherwise I would have collapsed.
By 4:15 I was in the ER. Crying hysterically. Matt was on a Houston...6 hours away. I didn't know what to do or think. I thought I had at least 2 weeks to prepare.
I got a room 5 hours later and settled in for the night. My amazing mom by my side the entire time. Would have been lost without her. She was my backbone for 2 days. Sleeping in the most awkward, "eat you alive" recliner for 2 nights, taking me and my IV pole to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I was only strong thanks to her.
Next morning, bright and early they wheel me into surgery. I again couldn't stop crying. Texted Matt and told him I loved him and to tell the kids I loved them...ya know, in the terrible case that I didn't wake up(my worst fear EVER). As they drugged me I told my mom to sue if I didn't wake up. That way my family would be set financially.
Surgery went great and within 2 hours I was back in my room...for another night. I saw the kids and my folks a few minutes then off my dad and the boys went to a track meet. The boys had a great time helping out and hanging with the high school boys. I'm SO glad they had that escape from the reality of me being hooked up to machines and in the hospital. Taya, however, stayed at the hospital with my mom and I that whole day. She was awesome. She fed me jello and ice chips and made certain I drank enough water and did my breathing treatments as directed.
Later that night Matt got home and came to see me. He was definitely a sight for eyes. Such a relief to have him finally by my side.
The next day I went home. It was then that I realized just HOW much I need and love my husband. Poor guy, I know I must have worn him out.
I have to say after all is said and done I have a regret. I really wish my kids never had to see me like that. Crying inconsolably. Terrified. I could tell by the look in their eyes they knew something was wrong. Really hit me how affected they were when strong one, the one that tries to be so tough and independent, told my dad "Pepa, I want my mom the way she used to be."
Glad to say I'm back the way I used to be, just gallbladder free, a bit wiser and WHOLE LOT more thankful...for my own life...and the amazing people in it.
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